Bidding for work

Bidding for work using the app
Written by Alex
Updated 3 months ago

Whether you apply for a job directly from the job list or map, or you click on a push alert, you will always be taken to the following page:

Entering an ETA (Estimated time of arrival)

In the case of an ASAP collection, you'll use this box to tell how long It will take you to arrive at the collection address.

For example, If you apply and enter 60 minutes, you're stating that you will be able to collect within 60 minutes If you are allocated to the job.

If you're 30 minutes away, but you wont be able to set off for another 45 minutes, please factor this into your ETA.

What about future jobs?

The same principle applies, are you coming from home? Then just enter how long It will take you In minutes to arrive from where you're leaving from to give us a good idea how local you are.

We don't want couriers travelling 3 hours to make a collection, this Is high risk as jobs can get cancelled due to unforeseen reasons. We cannot charge the customer for your excess mileage, we have to pay for It ourselves.

It Is critical that you are truthful with your ETA, giving us or our customers false expectations doesn't help anybody.


All members receive a 60% default pay rate based on the amount (Ex Tax) the customer has paid, It will show the default 60% rate as shown below - this Is YOUR payment.

Whenever you register a bid, you'll see the default rate for the job and the opportunity to enter your own rate.

If you're happy with the default rate, leave it as it is. If not, you can simply enter your own rate. Just like any courier platform, you can lose out by bidding too high.


If you think there Is anything relevant the allocation team should know when reviewing your bid, here Is the chance to say It.

Auto-allocation (Tracked & Trusted) Indicator

For those elligble for auto-allocation, you'll see an indicator that will tell you whether auto-allocation is enabled for a particular job, or whether your bid disqualifies you from auto-allocation.

Note: Auto-allocation Is not guaranteed, please use this indicator as a guide when registering your bids.

Why would auto-allocation be disabled for a job?

  • If the job is currently "Quoted", this means the customer hasn't made payment yet. We're not in the position to allocate a courier.
  • Multi-drop / Wait & Return jobs are not elligble for auto-allocation
  • If the collection and delivery dates are different, e.g. deliver next day
  • If we suspect a fraudalent booking, we make disable auto-allocation manually

What disqualifies my bid from auto-allocation?

  • You've enter a rate above 60% (Price too high)
  • Your ETA is more than 45 minutes (Too far away)
  • You've entered a comment (Leave this blank for auto-allocation)
  • If your home or tracked location is outside the collection radius (45 miles)

I've applied, now what?

Your interest will be added to the application list for that particular job alongside other couriers who have also applied.

Jobs you apply for may either be In one of these two stage: Quoted (Prospective Booking) Or Booked (Paid For). If It Is booked, we'll usually allocate very quickly If collection Is required on the same day.

Otherwise, If It Is still In the quote phase, we're essentially waiting for the customer to go ahead, gauging interest In this period as It allows us to allocate immediately after booking. All the while, giving you the chance to register your interest.

Unfortunately, there will be times when a quotation doesn't go ahead at all. Possibly the customer has fished around for a better price, we'll only place a quote on the App If the customer had initially shown interest In booking and to book at a later stage.

How do I know I've been allocated?

We will always call you directly If you have been selected to cover a job. We'll confirm your payment, ETA and the details too.

If this Is your first job with us, we'll explain everything you need to know on this call and you're free to ask us any question, we'll be happy to answer any you may have.

Will I be notified If I'm not succesful?

You will not be notified If we allocate another courier to a job you have applied for, but please do not take It personally. Our allocation process Is fair, we do not pick favourites and allocate couriers best positioned to cover the job.

How can I increase my chances of allocation?

  • Enable tracking In your app, this will drastically improve your chances of allocation
  • The higher your ETA, the less likely you are going to be allocated. Try to apply for jobs closer to your location.
  • Apply for work you're sent via email or push notifications - when you receive these alerts, It typically means the customer has just made payment and we're reviewing offers from couriers to allocate.
  • Don't outprice yourself, keep In mind that you're bidding for work amongst other local couriers.
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