
What is auto-allocation?
Written by Alex
Updated 3 months ago

Tracked & Trusted suppliers are elligble for auto-allocation, this means you can automatically assign yourself to a job.

The obvious benefit of auto-allocation Is that you will receive an immediate notification that you have been assigned to a job, you won't need to wait for the team to manually allocate you.

There are some preliminary rules you need to consider prior to registering your bid:

  • For ASAP jobs, you must be within a 45 mile radius of the collection based on your home or tracked location In order for auto-allocation to activate. When entering your ETA, It must be 45 minutes or less. Knowingly entering a false ETA will result In your Tracked & Trusted being removed, so please don't do this.
  • You must agree to the standard 60% rate, entering a higher rate will disable auto-allocation. Immediately requesting a higher payment after you have been auto-allocated will result In your Tracked & Trusted being removed.
  • Keep the comment box empty, entering any comments will automatically disable auto-allocation.

Auto-allocation (Tracked & Trusted) Indicator

When registering your interest, you'll see an indicator that will tell you whether auto-allocation is enabled for a particular job, or whether your bid disqualifies you from auto-allocation.

Note: Auto-allocation Is not guaranteed, please use this indicator as a guide when registering your bids.

Why would auto-allocation be disabled for a job?

  • If the job is currently "Quoted", this means the customer hasn't made payment yet. We're not in the position to allocate a courier.
  • Multi-drop / Wait & Return jobs are not elligble for auto-allocation
  • If the collection and delivery dates are different, e.g. deliver next day
  • If we suspect a fraudalent booking, we may disable auto-allocation manually

What disqualifies my bid from auto-allocation?

  • You've enter a rate above 60% (Price too high)
  • Your ETA is more than 45 minutes (Too far away)
  • You've entered a comment (Leave this blank for auto-allocation)
  • If your home or tracked location is outside the collection radius (45 miles)

How do I know I've been auto-allocated?

There are two scenarios where auto-allocation can be triggered:

  • Scenario 1: It can be triggered once you submit your bid, but the job must be In the "Booked" status, and the auto-allocation indicator on the "Register Interest" page must show "Enabled" as seen In the video below.
    • When allocated, you will be prompted to confirm the job as seen In the video below.
  • Scenario 2: You register your interest when the job is in the "Quoted" status, when the customer makes payment, an auto-allocation event Is triggered.
    • Keep In mind, auto-allocation works on a first-come-first-serve basis, so If another tracked & trusted supplier registered their interest before you, and they are elligble for auto-allocation, they will be prioritised.
    • You will receive a notification (Email, Push Notification & SMS) alerting you that you have been allocated. Open the app & confirm the job as seen In the video below.

The below video Is an example of scenario 1 above

Confirming the job Is extremely important, once we receive your confirmation, we'll update our system to confirm on our end.

Failing to confirm jobs, or taking too long to confirm will result In de-allocation of the job and removal of your tracked & trusted status.

Auto-allocation example video

What If I'm no longer available?

We understand that you may not be available to cover a job In scenario 2 above. Some customers can get a quote, and take up to an hour to book their quote (Most likely fishing for cheaper quotes).

So If you've been auto-allocated a job, please follow the below instructions:

  • Go to the "My Jobs" section In the app, select the job you've been auto-allocated.
    •  Scroll down and select "Message Us" to notify us that you're no longer available
    • It's very important to inform us immediately If you're no longer available, particularly If It's an urgent job. We need time to organise another courier. 

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